Monday, December 27, 2010

Warisan Villa Nilai Impian Status as of 25th Dec 2010

I was at the Warisan Villa site again...last Saturday (25th Dec 2010). Can't resist the excitement to see my new home heheh. Construction job has been completed. The lanscaping works have also completed. I could see a beatiful green at the site plus the playground and exercise area which added to its functionality.

I really hope the peaceful environment will sustain and the neighbours will have the teamwork spirit to make the neighbourhood as peaceful and harmony as possible.


It was an excitement to be in the KLIMS as this is my first motorshow visit since it started few years back in KL. Together with my kids and wife, it has given me an opportunity to spend a quality hour over the weekend with them. Kudos to the event manager for making it happen.

Having said that, however i think the event could have been more merrier if the top cars brands participated in the show namely BMW, AUDI, Mercedez, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagon. Can't really understand why they were not there but it could be due to venue space is limited or the event is too small for them.

Kudos to Toyota and Honda for showing the marvellous concept cars and the new "gadget" whatever the name is plus the 'hot chicks' heheh..

Proton was also not disappointing with the line up of all current and future models. Lotus cars are awesome and dreaming to drive such car one day.
Below are some of the photos taken at the motor show. Enjoy...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Warisan Villa...about to complete

Yeay...Warisan Villa project is near to its completion. I'm very happy with the progress and hope SD will deliver the quality as well. Been to the site monthly and have seen the progress since the ground work was done back in Apr 2009.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visit to Warisan Villa (9th visit)

Me, my wife and our two lovely kids visited Nilai Impian to see the progress of the construction after the last visit in July 2010. Noticed that the developer is constructing of the playground. The lanscaping works are also in progress. Since most of the construction work on the units are almost complete, we did not notice much different since the last visit.

Looking forward to see the completed neighbourhodd in the next few months to come.

Sambutan Hari Raya 2010

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan telah dapat ditempuh dengan jayanya dan mudah2an mendapat ganjaran yang sebaiknya dari Allah Taala dan memperoleh berkat dan rahmat Ramadhan. Syawal menjelang dan disambut dengan perasaan syukur dan penuh tawadu'.

Syawal memberi kita peluang untuk bersama-sama merayakan kejayaan menempuh ujian dibulan Ramadhan dan menjadikan Syawal peluang untuk bermaafan sesama keluarga, saudara mara, sahabat handai dan teman seperjuangan. Keseronokan Syawal lebih dirasai bila semua ahli keluarga berkumpul beramai2 untuk menikmati kebahgiaan Syawal.

Bagi mereka yang mempunyai kampung halaman, sudah pasti pulang ke kampung bertemu ayah bonda dan keluarga memberi suatu perasaan gembira dan syukur. Bagi keluarga Hj. Ibrahim, Syawal tahun ini menampilkan 2 ahli baru dalam keluarga yang sederhana besarnya. 9 orang anak termasuk seorang yang terpaksa berhari raya di India (apa nak buat... memenuhi keperluan fardhu kifayah) dan 26 orang cucu. Permastautinan di Kampung Parit Kadir selama beberapa hari.
Kesempatan bertakbir beramai-ramai dimalam hari raya, bermaaf2an sesama ahli keluarga, menerima kunjungan saudara mara, menziarahi saudara mara dan sahabat handai memenuhi jadual Syawal tahun ini.
Semoga tradisi yang baik ini dapat diteruskan demi kesinambungan generasi yang seterusnya.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Warisan Villa Progress Update

I'm back.... :) It has been quite a while since my last post. Busy doing my day-to-day work and personal matters.

To start with, i would like to share my new property progress (my 2nd property to be exact :) Thanks to Allah the almighty for giving me the opportunity to own this house...soon). This property would be our 'nest' for the coming years to come once it is handed over to the buyer insyallah by January 2011.

I went to Warisan Villa site few months back with my beloved hero just to see the progress of the development. Seems that everything is progressing well and most of the structural works within the neighbourhood are completed.

I was quite impressed with the built quality (judging from the exterior of the house only of course as the unit is locked). Although there are few areas that require some touch up (hope this will be resolved before handover to the buyer), i would say it meets the standard. Hopefully Sime Darby (the developer) will deliver a masterpiece to the buyer :)

I'm pleased to share some of the photos in this posting;

Thursday, July 8, 2010

FISHING BAY, MERSING: 3-4 Julai 2010

Last weekend, aku and famili ikut rombongan guru-guru SK Yong Peng, sekolah tempat wife aku mengajar. Dalam perjalanan, aku singgah majlis jemputan kahwin saudara sebelah ayah wife kat Kota Tinggi. Majlis kahwin ala-ala arab campur melayu. Since masa bertolak dari Batu Pahat ke Kota Tinggi pun dah tengahari, sampai Kota Tinggi pun dah agak lewat. Hampir 2 jam kat rumah pengantin.

Kami bertolak ke Mersing dalam jam 5 petang. Aku ingat Fishing Bay kat Mersing ni dekat jek. Bila punch location dalam GPS, tu dia, hampir 90km (tak ingat exactly berapa KM). Since jalan ke Mersing pun masih jalan lama, tambah pulak hujan petang tuh, aku x dpt nak drive laju. Sampai kat area hampir-hampir dengan Jemaluan, ada pulak kemalangan. Pick-up bertembung dgn kereta Iswara. Masa tu dah ada 2 ambulans kat lokasi. Rase-rasenye salah satu kereta nak overtake another vehicle but x lepas and hit the other car. Tempat kejadian pulak dekat dengan one steep corner. Ditambah dgn hujan, so...any careless driver will make a mistake very easily.

So, kami pun meneruskan perjalan dengan hati hati. Aku mengingatkan diri aku ada 4 nyawa dalam kereta aku termasuk aku lah and the other 3 are my precious one. So, i keep telling myself to be careful and never make any silly action. Aku rase, sape-sape yang pernah merasa or in other words pernah mengalami kemalangan will know how it feels when you involve in a car accident. Aku had involved in a car accident 6 years ago and it was a great lesson for me till today. So guys... always be alert and be careful on the road and never never think that you are totally safe while driving.
After one and a half hour of tiring journey, kami pun sampai ke Fishing Bay, Mersing. I was a bit skeptical about this resort initially because the area tu macam pedalaman sket. The entrance to the resort pun not so impressive. Why i say that is because the room rate is about RM280 together with dinner and breakfast (for a chalet room). It was quite expensive i would say for this kind of resort in Mersing. But, as we checked in and experienced the first few hours in that place, I felt the peacefullness and the exclusivity of the resort. I mean, the area is at the bay and the beach is not accessible except via the resort entrance which is gated. So, it justify the price of the room.
We had group dinner that night, not so many selection of dishes though but all the foods were good and tasty and enough to cater for the group and to feed our hungry stomach :) After dinner, we had our free time.

Hasif dapat kawan baru malam tu. Since not many kids between 2-4 years old, Hasif lah jadi tumpuan. Jenuh anak-anak cikgu yang lain tu melayan dia main bola, lari kesana-sini, mian kejar-kejar, just like my childhood days...hehe. It was fun seeing those kids playing around and having their funtime together.
Husna...bila dah pukul 9.30 malam, dia dah mula merengek, mengantuk nak tido and ummi dia pun terpaksa lah melayan puteri sorang tu dalam bilik. Si abang terus main and bila dapat main pasir dengan bigfoot mini dia tuh, bukan main suka lagi sampai tak nak masuk bilik.
So...malam tu penuh dengan cerita gembira dan juga keindahan...

Keesokan pagi, aku menikmati keindahan pantai dan suasana pedalaman yang agak mengujakan. Selepas sarapan, kumpulan cikgu-cikgu ni buat sukaneka antara anak-anak and famili. Acara standard sukaneka lah. Baling belon, boling bola kelapa etc. etc. Kitorang tak join sangat sukaneka sebab kena jaga 2 baby kan... apa nak buat, giliran kami lambat lagi.
Pagi tu hujan turun renyai renyai. So, aku tak dapat nak layan Hasif sgt kat luar takut demam plak. Tapi since ada payung SATU MALAYSIA, dapatlah jugak main kat luar walaupun tak lama.
Husna kena kurung dengan ummi dia dalam bilik sebab hujan. Kesian... apa nak buat. Hujan nak turun. Bak kata Pendekar Mustar... ANGKAT JEMURAN...HUJAN DAH TURUN.... Hasif dapat lah berendam dalam swimming pool barang sekejap walaupun dalam kesejukan. Pagi tu plan nak bawak Hasif berendam dalam Laut China Selatan but since dia reluctant, menangis nampak ombak, so tak jadi nak rendam dia. In the end, aku sorang sorang mandi laut kat sana.

So, semuanya selesai selepas jam 11 pagi. Dapat rehat sekejap, berkemas and sume keluarga bertolak dalam pukul 1 tengahari. Kalau ada kesempatan yang lain, mungkin boleh datang lagi but memandangkan tempat ni agak jauh dan harga bilik agak mahal, mungkin destinasi ni akan tersenarai dalam pilihan yang agak terbawah berbanding tempat lain lah kot.
Insyallah, destinasi akan datang ialah Pulau Tioman... :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Akibat Tangan-tangan Manusia

Apa yang anda boleh perkatakan bila melihat gambar ini? Kasihankah? Tiada apa ertikah? Biasakah? Yang pasti, inilah hasil kerja tangan manusia akibat dari kehendak manusia yang mahukan pembangunan dan mengaut keuntungan dari hasil bumi.

Gambar-gambar ini diambil oleh seorang jurugambar di Gulf of Mexico menggambarkan kesan selepas kejadian letupan pelantar gerudi minyak di teluk Mexico pada 20 April 2010.

Pengajaran dari peristiwa ini, manusia adalah lemah. Walau setinggi mana ilmu pengetahuan manusia, tidak dapat menandingi kuasa dan ilmu Allah. Manusia yang sentiasa ego dengan kehendak dan kemahuan diri akan disedarkan oleh Allah dengan pengajaran yang kadangkala menyakitkan. harga sebuah kehidupan tidak dapat dibayar dengan wang ringgit, hatta ianya hanyalah seekor haiwan yang tidak berdosa.

Manusia sebagai khalifah dimuka bumi hendaklah memikirkan kesan dan akibat dari setiap tindakan yang mungkin akan menyebabkan kemusnahan diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan seluruh kehidupan yang menumpang hidup dibumi Allah ini.

Kita mempunyai tanggungjawab masing-masing untuk memastikan jika tidak seluruh alam ini, cukuplah didahulukan dengan keluarga sendiri, menjaga persekitaran, keindahan dan kesejahteraan alam, kesihatan diri, keselamatan dan kebahgiaan hidup...PEACE